Monday 9 October 2017

OUGD401 - Study Task 1 - Exploring the Topic

OUGD401 - Exploring the Topic

Typography and Type Design

These examples of typography design are by Paul Rand and David Carson. Rand manages to compose the text in a playful and unconventional manner while also visually communicating the message well. Carson creates an intriguing collage like composition with purely just type, doing what he does best; pushing the boundaries of how type is used visually and compositionally.

Advertising and Public Awareness

Advertising and public awareness is very much about conceiving an effective way of visually communicating a product or message. The idea of effective communication being more important than pure aesthetic value is something to be considered with public awareness, the "Meet Graham" anti drunk - driving advertising campaign is a good example of this; I think it serves its function perfectly by using shock tactics to communicate its message to a much larger target audience. The stamp anti-smoking campaign is an innovative solution to communicating its message to as large of an amount of people as possible as well because stamps are something which the majority of people encounter every day.

Branding and Logo Design

Branding and Logo Design is the act of creating an identity for a company, product or service. Successful branding will not only positively represent a business but also appeal to their target audience. I think Fed Ex's logo is a great example of this; its legible, bright and eye catching, and it also has an image of an arrow made from the negative space of the e and x which some argue is a little subliminal message, hinting at its speed and efficiency. Google's  2015 logo update is a fantastic example of a company updating and modernizing their image; their tailor made 'Product Sans' font and more subtle colours give the company a clean, simple and modern vibe.

Editorial Design

Editorial design is about designing how people take in information from imagery and type in formats such as magazines, newspapers and books. Layout and composition play a large part in this design discipline. David Carson's work on Raygun is an amazing example of how creative and experimental you can be when designing a magazine, this cover from an issue on Oasis is bold, striking and looks fantastic. I really love the editorial design of the magazine 'Dazed'; its creative, visually stunning and very modern. While Carson's work is a testament to the merits of print and classic methods of design, editorial design like that of Dazed magazine is an exciting example of modern digital work.
Design for Screen

Design for screen is becoming increasingly relevant as we descend further into the digital age. Be it websites or user interfaces, when designing for screen, you have to consider logical ways of laying out information and simple ways of navigating technology, all the while trying to make it visually compelling. The Tate website effectively lays out information and increases its aesthetic with images of its artwork, while the Pretty Green clothing brands website displays stylised images and design to enhance the visual experience of using the site.


With advances in technology making the capabilities of design practically limitless, printmaking is still standing the test of time as the a classic method of image making. Be it screen printing or letterpress, printed design is generally quite stylised and looks especially good when creating posters or album covers. Hatch Show Print is a Nashville print shop who've been making posters for local music events since the 19th century, to this day they still use the same methods of printing which gives their posters a retro feel which I think works very well. Victor Moscoso's psychedelic screen prints from the 70's are vibrant, dynamic and very stylised.

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