Tuesday 20 February 2018

OUGD401 - Study Task 5 - Essay Peer Review

OUGD401 - Essay Peer Review

Peer Feedback:

  • Title - yes
  • Bibliography in Harvard format - yes
  • Images - no
  • In-text citations - yes

  • Linear/Historical Structure - yes
  • Discussions of the key developments of the topic/discipline? - yes
  • An adequate definition of what the topic is? - yes
  • References to reading (referring to authors, references, quotes)? - yes

Though my essay does technically tick most of these boxes, some of these factors can still be improved in the development of my essay. Firstly it might be a good idea to add images in; although this is an analytical body off text, if I am describing or analysing anything visual, a picture would facilitate more ease in the reading of this essay. 

Secondly, although it must be linear/historical and flow chronologically, you can’t fit every single notable work or event related to editorial design in one essay. I need to review the points I touch upon and research if there are any points of m ore relevance. 

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