Thursday 8 November 2018

Study Task 1 - Researching a Question

10 words to describe your work - 
Stylised Type
Post Modernist
Music Orientated

10 design themes and phenomenas that interest you -
Independent Zines & Publications
  • Experimental
  • Less restricted
Music Related Design
  • Album Covers
  • Posters
  • Music Videos
70’s Design
  • Psychedelic
  • Post Modernist
Visuals in Cinema
- Kubrick
  • Tarantino
  • Type
Books and Publications with specific subjects
Era Specific Design
  • Vintage 

10 things you learnt last year - 
Applying research visually
Layout in publications
Applying type appropriately 
Research on 20th century design
Increasing production value
How much more prominent independent studios are
Design is everywhere if you’re looking 
Do one simple idea but do it well
Importance of presentation

Mash - up Titles
  1. Era specific graphic design - created digitally - to develop production value
  2. Independent zine - experimental - do one idea but do it really well
  3. Visuals in cinema - stylised type - applying type appropriately 
  4. Music related design - research heavy - applying research visually
  5. Publications with specific subjects - conceptual - design is everywhere if you’re looking

Ideas based upon the mash up titles

I like the idea of looking at design for music and album covers. Some album covers have a lot of thought put into the design and production, rooted in the concept of the album, however some album covers are purely aesthetic. It would be interesting to consider this comparison; does this attention to design and concept embellish the listeners experience? Is attention to production a waste of time in light of the quantity of digital downloads these days or will resurgent formats like vinyl always keep it relevant?

I also like the idea of looking at creating era specific design such as from the 60’s or 70’s, but doing it digitally; do the original production methods like screen-printing, add some sort of aesthetic or tactile value to them, or would they be just as good or even better created and printed digitally. 

Lastly it sounds interesting to look at the type in movies; does it complement the story/concept? Does it add to the visual quality? Is it always appropriate? Is it always effective? 

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