Friday 29 March 2019

Promised Land Poster

Promised land is a documentary which follows a filmmaker riding Elvis’ Rolls Royce around America during the 2016 presidential election, and while doing so, draws comparisons between Trump and Elvis. For these posters, I explored Midnight Marauders contemporary film posters: similarly to his poster for ‘Hal’ I utilised a large amount of white space within the composition, and was very sparing with the application of colour, simply having one prevailing background colour with black over the top. The imagery shows Donald trumps head on elvis’ body, playing guitar - this was done as a very simple yet astute way of representing how the two are compared in the film, and does, in doing so, communicate the movie very effectively. Its also quite funny, with trumps face he’s pulling, which would mean it would be attention grabbing. A few design decisions relate back to rock and roll posters from the 20th century from print shops such as ‘Hatch Show Print’ who letter-pressed posters for many stars, such as Elvis. These design elements include the rows of stars and the use of a narrow sans serif typeface, which they would often use to increase the amount of space on the poster. Red was tested as a colour, because its bold and evocative of America. I then went for a yellow/gold because yellow is commonly associated with independent films/documentaries and also its representative of trumps hair. It's slightly gold so that it is evocative of Elvis’ grandeur and ‘royal’ status as the king of rock. 

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