Saturday 23 March 2019

Study Task 4 - Identity and Consumption

What is meant by multiple identities? - Multiple identities refers to the different identities one assumes in their life, in other words the different social situations they are in regularly and the roles they assume in them, for example you have a different identity when at work, compared to when you’re at the pub with your friends because these different situations require different responses. 

How are identities formed? - As young children, we have a basic and primitive  understating of who we are and what our identity is, however once we grow up, these identities develop, they are moulded by the people around us and the things we do and we start developing multiple personalities as we start to encounter different social situations. 

What is social categorisation? - Social categorisation refers to the way in which we as humans perceive and categorise other people. It’s easier for humans to notice similarities and differences between themselves, and the person they are attempting to categorise. Often the way we categorise people is based upon aspects such as their material possessions and social group. 

What is social comparison? - Social comparison is almost the reverse of social categorisation - it is the process of comparing oneself to others and finding similarities and differences, but instead of its purpose being too categorise others, it is too reflect on oneself and in doing so, get a better sense of our own individual identity and increase positive self esteem. As humans, our identity is informed by the brands we consume, so by comparing our self to others and purchasing brands that conform to this desired identity, we achieve a sense of belonging. 

What is social identity theory? - This is the theory that by being part of a group, people get a better sense of their own identity, and this idea of belonging boasts their self confidence. The theory also states that a ‘group’ is defined by the products these people consume, often related to image e.g. clothing. However for it be defined as a group, they must be recognisable as a group to others, so that their collective identity is apparent. This distinct collective identity is often subject to brands advertising and marketing to specific target audiences or ‘groups’. 

What is an example of a strong brand identification? - Vans trainers and clothing have a strong brand identity because they have a clear set target audience who their marketing and advertising is catered to - skaters and young people. Being a company built around skateboarding and its community, vans trainers, while not exclusively intended for skateboarding, are very commonly worn by skaters b because there is that brand association. Vans advertisements commonly feature people on skateboards and their trainers and clothing are commonly advertised to be very sturdy and long lasting - fitting a skateboarders needs. Even young people who don’t skateboard are commonly attracted to the community and groups which associate with it, one reason for this is its cultural connection with certain genres of music e.g. punk and rock music. 

What are the negative effects on body image? - Someones body image is a big part of their personal identity and image. If people socially compare themselves to brands and the way they advertise, this can commonly decrease their self confidence because brands often use people with ‘perfect bodies’ for advertising, and consumers start to compare themselves with these perfect images, believing that they should look like that in order to conform to this group, and when they realise they cannot truly look like this, it decreases their self esteem. 

What is self-discrepancy theory? - This theory is a way of understanding peoples perceptions of their own identity’s and body image. The theory suggests that there are 3 ways one perceives themselves: 

Actual self - the way we are currently 
Ideal self  - how we aspire to be 
Ought self - the way we think we should be 

If there are discrepancies between the actual self and ideal self, or the actual self and the ought self, this can lead to low self esteem.  

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