Monday 1 April 2019

Eyes Wide Shut Poster

Bob Peak’s poster for Apocalypse Now, successfully captures the emotion and plot of the movie in a successful and impactful popster, whilst simultaneously using Marlon Brando’s star power as a marketing tool within it. This is the concept that I wanted to look at for this poster, I decided to use ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ because it stars Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman who are both very famous. A lot of the posters I did, didn’t quite hit the mark; the reason for that is that the genre pf the movie tackles romance but is also a mystery/thriller which are two very different genres. And on top of that, the two stars faces needed to be very prominent. Purple was the best colour two use, like the existing poster, because its still reminiscent of romance yet it is a bit darker and could represent that mystery. ‘Arnold Boecklin’ was experimented with as the typeface os curved and organic and suited the movie well but ultimately it was a bit too decorative and was substituted for a simple modern sans serif font. The last three posters show the development of the final composition; combing individual images of the stars, I used dark blue because it’s very mysterious and played with a black background with blue smoke, which was a very basic sort of 2000’s movie poster aesthetic, I started distorting the images of the stars faces which worked very well as the movie deals with sex a lot so its representative of sweat dripping, but it also represents identity, and obscuring identities which is a main theme of the movie. The final poster see’s a more pop art esque, high contrast image of the pair, reprinting the drama, I added in the purple again and utilised ‘Gotham Black’ for the type. Cruises head can be seen overlapping  the main title, this is in an effort to give the stars prominence, like one might see on a magazine cover. The stars names at the bottom are also very big to further the use of their star power as a promotional tool. 

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