Friday 20 September 2019

Initial Essay Planning Ideas

In order to have a logical essay with the information and research ordered rationally, I think perhaps I will structure my essay by finding 4 or 5 fairly broad ideas of how graphic design effects the consumption of music and have those as sections. In each section I will have numerous sources with countering arguments that I can triangulate and different examples of how this idea may or may not be true. 

Section Ideas

  • Album Covers - After reading The Branding Gap, thinking about how musical acts are brands, this focuses a lot on visual identity, how musicians brand themselves. Elements like the album cover play a big part of this. I think the most obvious thing you think of with this essay title is album covers and how you can cast a judgement upon the music pre-emptively by visually assessing the cover - judging a book by its cover. There will be a lot to discuss in this section and it may be one of the bigger sections of the essay. 
  • Identity Theory and Subcultures - Another section could focus on identity theory and subcultures. Design for music visualises and captures the style and essence of that act. In turn, throughout the last century, this has led to the formation of subcultures. One could argue that the design/branding of these music acts has influenced the style of these subcultures and subsequently influenced the identity of its followers. In the punk era, the DIY aesthetic was incredibly popular, fans would cut up and collage type and imagery from newspapers and magazines to create covers, posters, pamphlets and zines. Thinking about this as a design practise/style, it become the voice of that musical movement/era. 
  • Design Increasing Success - The more successful and widely known a musical act is, the more it is consumed. How has design aided some musical acts by giving them exposure? It could be the use of big billboards, controversial album covers or something even more intriguing, for example the vinyl release of David Bowies ‘Blackstar’ contained all sorts of hidden messages depending on what you did to the vinyl record and its packaging - this created a level of intrigue which made people want to buy the record.
  • Logos - How important is a bands logo in the consumption of their music?
  • Production? - vinyl is becoming much bigger now, however most people listen to music on streaming services where you only see a little icon for the cover. David Bowie Blackstar
  • Gig Posters - hatch Show print

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