Sunday 24 March 2019

Initial Idea 1 - Manifesto

This first idea for a produced outcome in response to my essay is a fairly intuitive one. Having completed the essay, I will be well informed in this idea of what makes a good movie poster, so it seems apt to create a manifesto with rules and guidelines on how to make a movie poster. The manifesto will be a bound publication, with examples of movie posters which work well, as well as examples of movie posters that I have created in response. I would want the design to be fairly minimal and formal within the publication, so as not to draw any attention away from the actual posters. Also this idea of looking at posters from throughout time, s0me dating many years back, has this formal and historical quality to it, and a more formal bound publication would reflect that. Many of the posters have incredibly different styles, so utilising a simple aesthetic would mean no design style from any one poster is favoured, and the publication can reflect them equally. 

20 Photographs - Hugo Scott & Loose Joints

This publication for photographer Hugo Scott, designed by studio Loose Joints, is a collection of 20 photographs, each printed individually on card and collated in a box. While my publication would be bound, I really like the minimal design approach here; the photos are framed really nicely on blank white pages, and the type and cover work really nicely, leaving white space in there middle, and using a contemporary yet not overtly styled typeface. I would really like to give prominence to the movie posters in my manifesto so obviously looking at a photography publication is the way to go, perhaps I could display movie posters in my publication similarly. 

The History of Samsonite - Melville Brand Design

This publication, by Munich Based Design Studio, Melville Brand Design, details the history of the Samsonite suitcase. The sturdy hard back cover, reflects the durability that Samsonite’s suitcases have become known for, on the inside, the information and images were laid out rationally, taking the aesthetic of a very informative publication, with a range of images, labels on images and large chunks of body text. Perhaps this would be a good approach for my publication? I like the idea of a hard back cover as it would reflect this formal and historical tone of the manifesto. I wouldn’t have as many images as this book does but perhaps I cold just let the posters fill the majority of a page, with the body text on the facing page. Alternatively, for designers such as Midnight Marauder, on his website he has a page for his ‘B-Sides’ poster designs he didn’t end up using. It would be interesting to maybe include these, and other similar things which would just give these posters a little more context.

I like the approach both of these research points have taken, and at the moment, if I were to take this idea forward, I’m sort of imaging a combination of these two publications; a hard bound book with similarly contemporary type to ’20 photographs’ and the inside would be laid out as rationally and minimally as ‘the history of the samsonite’ but maybe with images framed on single pages like ’20 photographs’.   

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COP Presentation - Feedback

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