Sunday 24 March 2019

Initial Idea 2 - Poster Zine

This idea spawned from the first initial idea of doing a manifesto and is just a different format for it. Instead of creating a bound publication, I could make a poster zine where there are 8 pages that you can flick through, each with a different manifesto rule/ point on and then you can fold out the zine into as poster which would be one of the posters that give created as a response. The good thing about this approach is that you get that fold out big poster and I think scale really makes a difference with something like a poster so it would be nice to be able to see it that big. The down side is that by being a poster zine it would loose that formal quality to it. Ultimately the poster zine would take a lot less time to do but would still effectively communicate the message. Below are a few mockups i did of what the zine would look like. For the design inspiration, I still took inspiration from The ’20 photographs’ publication and the ‘history of the samsonite’ publication, using ‘Aviano Flare’ as a heading typeface because its contemporary yet still formal. I laid the body text out very simply, and the fold out poster just has one of Saul Bass’ posters on there for the time being as a placeholder, and I have not started designing the actual posters yet. 

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