Thursday 26 September 2019

Connan Mockasin - Logotype Research

Starting with the logotype for Connan Mockasin seemed like a logical first step. It needs to successfully communicate Mockasin’s sound, as well as be bold and eye catching enough to make it draw attention.

Eckmannpsych - Eckmann was a typeface created by Otto Eckmann in 1900. In terms of its form, it looks like a blackletter font with more curved and unusual letterforms that give it an Art-Noveau inspired look, similar to Böecklin but a lot more subtle. In 2018, Eckmannpsych was created by Future Fonts - a contemporary and psychedelic update to the original typeface. Connan Mockasin’s music is often described as psychedelic so it would be effective to use a psychedelic font like this to communicate him. I like how all the letterforms are curved and have rounded ends instead of points, it reminds me of the smooth ‘caramel’ sound that Mockasin has. 

Pierre Vanni - Pierre Vanni is a Paris based art director and graphic designer. Vanni designs with sensuality in mind as opposed to intellectuality, focusing more on feel than function. His work is playful, bright and has a dreamlike quality, often with psychedelic gradients for backgrounds. The feel of his work definitely matches Mockasin’s psychedelic dreamy surrealness. The logotype for his publication project ‘Audimat’ is simple rational sans serif type that has been warped and it made me think of this logotype more as a contained graphic image as opposed to just some typography.

Metronomy - Metronomy are a British electronic band. Their logotype is curved and gloopy, resembling a viscous substance, it has this feel of movement to it, you can imagine seeing it drip down. A logotype like this would work perfectly for Connan Mockasin because you can imagine it being caramel, therefore embodying his sound, and the album very well. I would like to try some practical methods of making type like this, possibly getting a thick substance like caramel or honey and trying to make type out of it. 

Tyler Spangler - Tyler Spangler is a California based designer and artist. He creates very bright psychedelic compositions with warped and playful type, when speaking to its nice that he described his work as “a rainbow flavoured popsicle dipped in the ocean and placed on a rock to melt”. He often just uses a rational sans serif font, meaning the focus is then on the deconstruction of that type which gives it a certain physical quality, as if you’re imagining what has been done to the type, whether it looks as if its been stretched, melted, crumpled etc. This definitely matches Connan Mockasin’s vibe, especially the more curved melted type. Much like the Metronomy logo, it makes me want to experiment with creating type physically out of jelly or rubber or something. 

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